My most challenging and rewarding paintings are those that
hug the edge of abstraction. They reveal the invisible experience of place. The dynamics of wind, cold, exertion, danger and surprise become part of an expanded visual that tells not only what I have experienced, but also how it has affected me. The paintings inevitably become metaphors for
our shared humanity.
On this illusive edge, I paint with abandon allowing the
painting to slowly emerge from the brink of chaos to acquire
an identity of its own. In this act of faith, I consciously set
aside preconceptions allowing the painting’s soul to take form.
Often I paint to music, surrendering to liberating rhythms that guide my hand and prevent me from becoming overly analytical. On a subconscious level, I am constantly aware of composition, contrast, variety in texture and color. I work with a full palette, large brushes and move in a dance with paint and canvas.
Connie Slack
4855 6th Street
Boulder Colorado 80304